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A La Carte (11/28)

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Now that Thanksgiving and Black Friday are behind us, we’ve got Cyber Monday. I’ll have a post in a few minutes rounding up some of the deals. The places to begin, though, are Amazon, Crossway, and Westminster Books. Details to follow. In the meantime, here are things I came across this weekend.

Loving People at School – Jean Williams offers up a great list of ways to love the people at your local public school.

Stoning, Imprisonment, Marry Your Rapist – Absolutely horrifying: “Lawyers in Afghanistan recently came to the conclusion that the best way to strike a plea bargain for a rape victim is to grant her the option to marry the man who raped her. This option, they assure, will reduce her criminal incarceration from 12 years to three years at the Badambagh Prison located outside of Kabul.”

The Devil’s Playbook – Ray Ortlund says that the Bible reveals to us Satan’s playbook, and he gives the 4 plays.

Ramabai – Paul Levy: “In the endless pursuit of sermon illustrations for tomorrow I came across the inspiring story of Pandita Ramabai, Rowland Ward writes about her here.”

A Lesson in Lyrics – You’ll have to be wary of bad language (it is, after all, an article about rap music), but this article is rather interesting. It tracks disillusionment in President Obama through the lyrics of rap music.

Michael Meets Mozart – This is pretty neat.

Doubt thee, my Lord? I could doubt all except thee; and doubt myself most of all.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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