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A La Carte (11/27)

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T-t-t-talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation – Carl Trueman is talking about this generation, but thinking about the next. “One cannot truly assess a Christian leader until one can see clearly what his legacy is. That is sobering to anyone who is a minister, from the pastor of a small church to the international statesman.”

As White As Snow – We got our first snow yesterday and Dr. Haykin wrote a poem about it (he lives not too far from my home).

The Most Important Book – Westminster Books is having a big one-week sale on Bibles. Some of them are up to 65% off.

Pastoral Counseling with Tedd Tripp – From January 7-12, Midwest Center for Theological Studies will be live-streaming a course on pastoral counseling with Tedd Tripp. It’s free for all!

A Translation Conundrum – Bill Mounce always does a good job of showing just what a difficult thing it is to translate the Bible. Here he shows once again how all translators are traitors.

Uncharted Waters – I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska. This video makes me want to visit even more!

Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.

—G.K. Chesterton

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