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A La Carte (11/22)

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Parenting and the Image of God – Mark Lauterbach on parenting: “They are image bearers. They are creatures, made by God and for God. They are given glory and honor by God. They have inherent value, of greater worth than animals. How we treat the image of God is how we treat God. The dignity of humans is built into the Law and the Prophets and the Gospel. And we must see our children as image bearers.”

Preaching Texts You Don’t Understand – If you preach verse-by-verse, sooner or later you will come across a text that you just don’t understand. Carl Trueman is really helpful here.

Leading Family Devos – I guess the title pretty much says it all: “How My Wife Helped Me Man-up & Lead Family Devo’s.”

Dispatches from the Front – These DVDs, a must have for a church library, are on sale for $40 for all 4 volumes. Totally worth it.

National Geographic Photo Contest – Here are some of the highlights from National Geographic’s 2011 photo contest.

Blogging Scholarship – Mark Lamprecht is a Christian blogger who is trying to win a blogging scholarship. In 2 seconds you can place a vote for him. So you probably should.

It’s Just the Truth – The audio is way better than the video here. Nobody “brings it” quite like Paul Washer.

No sin makes less noise, but none so surely damns the soul, as unbelief.

—J.C. Ryle

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