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A La Carte (11/20)

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Joy Beyond the SorrowJoy Beyond the Sorrow, the new album from Indelible Grace is available to order and download today. I’ve been listening to it for a few days now and can say that it’s their best yet. Seriously, it’s a fantastic album. Go here for digital only, or here to order the CD (and get immediate downloads).

Come Ye SinnersCome Ye Sinners, a new live album from Sojourn Music, also releases today.

Precious Puritans – Jeremy Walker shares a long poem meant to address whether the Puritans were complicit in the slave trade and whether that ought to change the way we think of them. It will take a few minutes to read, but is well worth the effort.

Uncooked Goose – Thomas Sowell provides a few interesting facts about the Twinkies bankruptcy saying it is “a classic example of costs created by labor unions that are not confined to paychecks.”

From Scroll to Screen – Speaking of books, someone drew my attention to this article which explains that “something very important and very weird is happening to the book right now: It’s shedding its papery corpus and transmigrating into a bodiless digital form, right before our eyes. We’re witnessing the bibliographical equivalent of the rapture. If anything we may be lowballing the weirdness of it all.”

The Altar of Ministry – Here is a look at John Wesley’s awful marriage and some lessons we can learn from it.

I do not know when I am more perfectly happy than when I am weeping for sin at the foot of the cross.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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