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A La Carte (1/12)

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Top Ten Signs Your Sermon Isn’t Going Well
Here’s an early morning LOL for you.

The Age of Privacy Is Over
I think we all know that there are growing concerns about the internet and privacy. Here Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg says as much. And just think how much information Facebook has about all of us.

Deeper Into Depression
I’m not sure what to believe anymore when it comes to economics. This article says that in December “The labour force contracted by 661,000. This did not show up in the headline jobless rate because so many Americans dropped out of the system. The broad U6 category of unemployment rose to 17.3pc. That is the one that matters.” And yet most people are saying that we are well past the worst of it all. While on the subject of economics, check out this chart which shows the nations that hold US debt.

The Name of Jesus
Mounce looks at the meaning of the name of Jesus and Phil 2:10.

Thinking Green
Dr. Mohler writes about environmentalism taking over as religion on some people’s lives: “Now the secular world still has to make sense out of its own invisible, psychological drama–in particular, its feelings of guilt and indignation. Environmentalism, as a substitute for religion, has come to the rescue.”

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