5 Things To Do Before Leaving Your Church – Thabiti offers helpful tips on how to leave a church well. “Leaving a local congregation should be one of the most difficult decision we face. It should be filled with the recollection of our love for the saints, their love for us, our service together in the name of our Lord, and our sorrows and joys in the faith. A church is family and we ought never feel it easy to leave family–even an unhealthy family.”
5 Things Mistaken for Evangelism – Mark Dever is concerned about a number of things that people take to be evangelism that aren’t. Here are 5 of them.
A Garden for Children – Kim Shay looks to old poems to find what kids used to love to do. “The poems highlight the wonderful, everyday things of childhood, like playing make-believe, observing nature, games, and even going to bed at night. They reveal the wonder that often fills the mind of children as they look around their world.”
Lessons From 35 Years – Tom Ascol shares thirty-five lessons drawn from thirty-five years of ministry.
She Took and Ate – You’ll enjoy this message from Alex Motyer. “Alec Motyer speaks of the mighty truths that are conveyed in the form of a story – of a Garden, the Forbidden Fruit and the Fateful Choice. But he goes on to show from the Scriptures how the words of loss have become words of gain!”