The Schedule Makers – “Major league baseball’s schedule affects the lives of millions of Americans. For 25 years, the masterminds behind the massive undertaking were The Stephensons. A husband and wife duo working with a computer, a pencil and a great deal of cooperation.”
You Can’t Catch Sin – “Sometimes, in our zeal to maintain our own purity and holiness, we conscientiously avoid spending time with people engaged in sexual immorality.” Matt Chandler tells us to do better.
A Christian Mind – J.P. Moreland: “’I want to develop a Christian mind, but I don’t know how.’ This attitude is both common and understandable. That we are to develop our minds as Christians is not in doubt. We are admonished to love God with our mind (Mt 22:37), be transformed by its renewal (Rm 12:2), and be prepared to give thoughtful answers to questions about the faith (1 Pt 3:15).”
What To Look For In a Church – R.W. Glenn offers some counsel on what to look for in a church.
Broken Vows, Broken World – “For months following my divorce, it felt like I was wearing a scarlet “D” on my chest in church. I imagine it’s somewhat like walking into a prosperity-gospel church with holes in my clothes and a case of the measles. I can’t be counted among the faithful if their theology dictates that faithful living means surviving unscathed.”
Farm Pop – Are you a black sheep who is not worth a hill of beans? Does it get your goat that I even ask? Here are the orgins of the idioms we use that relate to farming.