On the Loss of our Daughter – Fred Zaspel has some moving reflections on the death of his daughter. “We are hurting for our loss. The pain is massive, and on one level I’m sure it will never be absent in this life. But deep as this hurt is, we are not left adrift.”
Gospel-Centered Sex – I really appreciated Marci Preheim’s reflections on the gospel and sex. She is both wise and winsome.
Steve Lawson on the Gospel – Here is an amazing, impromtu gospel presentation from Steve Lawson.
Contagious Chain of Missionary Zeal – “The missionary spirit is utterly contagious. Even just one life burning brightly for the gospel can ignite the hearts of hundreds of others for generations to come. What a powerful thing it is to contemplate that reality in the history of missionary work! Consider, for example, the following chain of gospel influence…”
Theology Q&A – First Presbyterian Church is hosting a Q&A night with Derek Thomas. You can submit a question at their web site or via Twitter.
Abortion Stories – From NY Magazine: “One in three women has an abortion by the age of 45. How many ever talk about it? New laws, old stigmas. 26 stories.”
Bibles in North Korea – Here is an interesting and unusual way of getting God’s Word into North Korea. “On a rainy afternoon last Spring, American pastor Eric Foley and his wife stood in a muddy field near the North Korea border and prayed – their hands clasped to a 40-foot homemade balloon that would carry Bibles to the communist dictatorship’s underground Christians.”