What’s the Big Story? – The newest issue of Credo magazine looks at biblical theology and includes contributions from Justin Taylor, Darian Lockett, Edwards Klink III, David Murray, Stephen Dempster, James Hamilton, T. Desmond Alexander, Stephen Wellum, Peter Gentry, G. K. Beale, Graham Cole, and many others.
John Piper on Strange Fire – John Piper has begun to answer some questions about John MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference. (Here is a second Q&A)
Resolving Supposed Contradictions in Scripture – Derek Thomas offers a couple of examples of how to resolve supposed contradictions in Scripture.
Soak the Next Generation in God’s Word – Jani Ortlund asks and answers this question: How can we raise Bible soaked and saturated children, teenagers, and young adults?
The Operating System of Life – This is pretty amazing and gets me just one step closer to learning what I never figured out in tenth grade.
Osteen Uses God’s Bandwidth – Erik found that a bunch of students were using the bandwidth from his wifi signal and thinks Joel Osteen is doing something similar: “He just kind of hangs out on the stoop of Christianity with his God-talk giving hat-tips to Jesus and a Bible story every now and then. But you know what? He is dragging down our bandwith. He is convoluting the message. He is hindering communication.”