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A La Carte (11/12)

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Men As Providers – Here’s a great article from CBMW: “Whatever a man thinks he is ‘called’ to, this much is clear – he is called to provide for his family. One of the most God-glorifying pictures of the gospel is when a man puts his childhood dreams to the side, steps up to the plate, gets a job, and valiantly cares for his family. This man should be honored and his work should be appreciated.”

Missions Is Not for Wimpy Women – John Piper reflects on a week in Ethiopia.

Born Friends – Your feel-good YouTube video du jour.

What Did Jesus Say? – Todd Pruitt: “I keep hoping that the fascination with Sarah Young’s bestseller Jesus Calling will fade away.” But it isn’t, so you may want to read his concerns.

He Opened His Mouth – Bill Mounce: “Does the phrase ‘to open one’s mouth’ have any meaning, or is it so redundant that it should be skipped in translation? I think that there is enough of a pattern to show that it was a way of adding solemnity to what was to be said.”

7 Habits of a Highly Effective Date Night – With a title like that, you know you need to click it. Matt Heerema shares a few essentials of a good date night.

How Should Christians Engage With Technology? – Andy Geers recently did a talk on Christians and Technology. If you haven’t read The Next Story or another book on Christians and technology, this will give you the basics of a Christian view of technology.

Conference on Sanctification – If you’re within range of Indianapolis, you may be interested in a conference David Murray and I will be speaking at this weekend. We’ll be looking at modern challenges to sanctification.


It must not be expected that the devil will let those rest who are laboring to destroy his kingdom.

—Thomas Watson

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