Men As Providers – Here’s a great article from CBMW: “Whatever a man thinks he is ‘called’ to, this much is clear – he is called to provide for his family. One of the most God-glorifying pictures of the gospel is when a man puts his childhood dreams to the side, steps up to the plate, gets a job, and valiantly cares for his family. This man should be honored and his work should be appreciated.”
Missions Is Not for Wimpy Women – John Piper reflects on a week in Ethiopia.
Born Friends – Your feel-good YouTube video du jour.
What Did Jesus Say? – Todd Pruitt: “I keep hoping that the fascination with Sarah Young’s bestseller Jesus Calling will fade away.” But it isn’t, so you may want to read his concerns.
He Opened His Mouth – Bill Mounce: “Does the phrase ‘to open one’s mouth’ have any meaning, or is it so redundant that it should be skipped in translation? I think that there is enough of a pattern to show that it was a way of adding solemnity to what was to be said.”
7 Habits of a Highly Effective Date Night – With a title like that, you know you need to click it. Matt Heerema shares a few essentials of a good date night.
How Should Christians Engage With Technology? – Andy Geers recently did a talk on Christians and Technology. If you haven’t read The Next Story or another book on Christians and technology, this will give you the basics of a Christian view of technology.
Conference on Sanctification – If you’re within range of Indianapolis, you may be interested in a conference David Murray and I will be speaking at this weekend. We’ll be looking at modern challenges to sanctification.