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A La Carte (11/11)

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6 Reasons Not to Abandon Expository Preaching – D.A. Carson: “There are a number of reasons why expository preaching deserves to be our primary method of proclamation.” He goes on to give six of those reasons.

50 Shades of White – Simone Richardson writes about erotic fiction for women. “The kind of erotic romances that feature on the current bestseller lists fall far short of the Bible’s standard… we can expect them to have negative effects on our lives.”

A Mommy’s To-Do List – “We live in a culture that celebrates productivity and efficiency. We like to see results. We like to get things done. We like when we accomplish something big. It makes us feel important. At least it does for me. But here is something I’ve learned in my first year as a mommy. Babies don’t like to-do lists.”

Secret World of Cargo Ships – Maybe it’s just me, but I found this interesting: “On a modern shipping vessel, what’s in the hold is unknown — even to the people moving it.”

Love the Unlovable – “I was a young pastor, and I was sure everybody in the church was kind, gracious, and Christian. Everybody would treat everybody else with the love of God. Needless to say, it didn’t take me long to learn that even in the church are people who don’t quite get there. Some people are really hard to love.” But it’s always the other person, isn’t it?

My Family, In Black and White – “In the photograph, a little girl—5 years old, her blonde hair in two braids—sits between a man and a woman who look markedly different from her. And that’s where the trouble started.”


Those sins that seem most sweet in life will prove most bitter in death.

—Thomas Brooks

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