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A La Carte (11/10)

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Too Healthy? – Some reflections on lessons learned from MLJ: “It’s important to learn from the past and to recognize that most problems have a way of coming full circle. This seems to be the case when it comes to the health of the church and of individual believers.”

Amazon’s Lending Library – Trouble is afoot when it comes to Amazon’s lending library. There are so many issues like this that remain to be worked out in the digital world!

Forest? What Forest? – Here’s the kind of parenting moment I think we can all identify with.

Suicide and Heaven – Ed Welch: “Here is the principle: theological questions are often personal questions in disguise; they are about the burdens on a person’s heart. Please do not respond with theological propositions or ethical guidelines. Instead, use these questions as the time to know and shepherd the person.”

iPad Wallpapers – Some swag for your iPad.

Who Wrote the Gospels? – Here’s a way of defending the authorship of the gospels.

The law of God is like a mirror; it can reveal flaws, but not remove them.

—John Blanchard

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