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A La Carte (11/10)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Let me give you a really quick book update. The Next Story is just about complete; the publisher has accepted the bulk of the text, leaving me with just a few short application sections to complete, along with a conclusion. I am hoping to have all that done by this week or next. So we’re still on track for an April release.

Keep Your Greek – Here’s a great idea for a book. The title pretty much says it all–Keep Your Greek. “Pastors will find Keep Your Greek an encouraging and practical guide to strengthening their Greek abilities so that they can make linguistic insights a regular part of their study and teaching. Current students will learn how to build skills that will serve them well once they complete their formal language instruction.”

Christmas Music of 2010 – CT has a roundup of this year’s new Christmas albums, including ones by Phil Wickam, Phil Keaggy, Future of Forestry, and others.

Being Transparent – From Counseling Solutions: “Should my wife and I be transparent with each other?” I suppose it’s really more of a question of “How transparent should you be with one another?”

15 Ways of Winterizing Your Home – Art of Manliness gives 15 things you can do to winterize your home. Some of us need this kind of help. (HT:TW)

Eager, Expectant and Early – Josh Harris on how we ought to approach gathering for church:

What would you not give to have the word “sex” set free from every trace of fear, guilt, shame and impurity?

—John Blanchard

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