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A La Carte (1/11)

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Judging the Morality of God – James White has a strong article over at Patheos: “When Roger Olson announced he was releasing a book, part of a two-book counter-point effort along with Michael Horton, titled Against Calvinism, there was hope for something that might engage the real strength of Reformed theology—the clear and consistent exegesis of the biblical text that the “young, restless and Reformed” have found so compelling. But even before its release, Dr. Olson gave clear indication that its focus was not going to be exegetical.”

Credo Magazine – The January edition of the new Credo magazine is available and free to read. Highlights include a couple of good articles on Love Wins and a really good review of Real Marriage (that adds a couple of new elements to the discussion).

Your Mediocre Sermons – This was comforting to read, especially since I read it while taking a break from sermon preparation.

A Moving Tribute – Pastor Martin Holdt went home to be with the Lord last week after a sudden and short illness. This is a beautiful tribute written by his son.

Learing from Christopher Hitchens – Al Mohler draws five important lessons from the life of Christopher Hitchens.

Narnia 4 – It looks like it will be a few years at best before we see another Narnia movie. I still need to catch up and see the last one.

The Joy of Books – Try and do this with a Kindle!

Today, let us rise and go to our work. Tomorrow, we shall rise and go to our reward.

—Richard Fuller

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