Wednesday November 9, 2005
Preview: CMCentral has an in-depth preview of Derek Webb’s upcoming CD, Mockingbird. In related news, I will be interviewing Derek next week.
Quote: Where is the holiness of the church of God today? Ah! were she what she professed to be, she would be “fair as the moon, clear as the sun”, and then “terrible as an army with banners”; but now she is dim as smoking flax, and rather the object of ridicule than of reverence. May not the measure of the influence of a church be estimated by its holiness? (Charles Spurgeon)
Blogspotting: The ESV blog, as we might have expected, approved of my review of Translating Truth.
Du Jour: Calvinst Gadfly begins a series which will refute David Cloud’s irrational Dave Hunt-like teachings on Calvinism. “On November 3rd [Cloud] wrote an article titled ‘Some major false doctrines that are a danger to Bible-Believing Churches today.’ After he lists a multitude of cults, at number 12 he lists ‘Calvinism,’ and gives six bullet point reasons attaching one or two Bible verse citations to each.”