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A La Carte (1/10)

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333,964 – I felt sick to my stomach when I read that number. “That’s the figure proudly released by Planned Parenthood Federation of America in their report delineating how many abortions they performed in fiscal 2011. Doing some simple math reveals that the number of abortions performed equates to one abortion every 94 seconds.” Meanwhile, TIME writes “Growing evidence suggests that in countries like India and China, where the ratio of men to women is unnaturally high due to the selective abortion of female fetuses and neglect of girl children, the rates of violence towards women increase.”

Husbands: Get a Part-Time Job – “There. That’s it. Husbands, if you want to save or strengthen your marriage, get a part-time job. I should say right off the bat that I am not talking about a literal job that will pull you away from the home for more hours.” It’s worth reading the article to see what he is referring to.

Dirty-Minded Men – The title of this post just about says it all: “Men Like to Look At Naked Girls On The Internet. Here’s Why They Should Stop That.”

Ashamed of the Gospel – Cornell writes about a situation in his life that every Christian can (unfortunately) identify with–being ashamed of the gospel. The article made me reflect on the Savior who loves and forgives us even when we are ashamed of him.

Meditations on Friendship – I really enjoyed this meditation on C.S. Lewis and friendship. “The walks and the ongoing discussions by C.S. Lewis and his friends were instrumental in making him the man that he was and that we honor today. His thinking and his conversion were not developed in isolation but were cultivated in the warmness of lively conversation. Part of the greatness of C.S. Lewis is found in the fact that he had friends to walk with.”

Why Are Weather Forecasts Wrong So Often? – You know you’ve wondered why weather forecasts are so often so wrong. This article explains why it is so difficult to get it right.

Pride wants to earn divine acceptance; humility simply believes it.

—Bob LaForge

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