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A La Carte (10/7)

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Life & Laundry – Lindsey tells what a P.O.W. taught her about life and laundry.

The Only Intoxication The Bible Advises – “The Song of Solomon appropriately celebrates the only kind of intoxication that the Bible advises, which is that we should be drunk on the love of our wives and husbands, but it celebrates that intoxication with a clear-eyed, morning-after sobriety. It doesn’t present the unimproved, unexamined, sophomoric, sickly sweet cotton candy goo of immature infatuation…”

An Interview – When I was in Scotland a couple of weeks ago, I visited a television studio for an interview with David Meredith. You can watch it here if you’re interested.

Appetite for Being Known – Matt Perman shares some notes from a conference keynote address on the appetite for being known. “You have in you an appetite to be known. You will never hear ‘I have enough friends, followers and mentions; my church is large enough; we don’t want any more campuses; I’ve sold enough books.’”

Christians and Homosexuality – Tim Keller takes a look at two different books on homosexuality written by Christians who struggle with same-sex attraction (Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill and Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam Alberry. “These are books written by men who are not experiencing their lives as impoverished or sub-human. Their commitment to chastity within the lives God has given them is one of finding fulfillment and identity in their relationship to Christ.”

Why Leaves Change Color – Why do leaves change color? This video answers it.

If you are never born again, you will wish you had never been born at all. —J.C. Ryle

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