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A La Carte (10/5)

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3 Rules for Polemics – Tim Keller offers some sound counsel on publishing polemics. I believe this is an urgent issue in our digital age because polemics have the ability to go so wide so fast. We’ve got to get this stuff right!

A Tale of 4 Alcorns – Some light-hearted but enjoyable fare from Randy Alcorn.

A Purpose in the Pain – Every month Tabletalk magazine features an interview. This month that interview is with Joni Eareckson Tada.

The Hunger Hoax – I always enjoy it when Thomas Sowell goes at an issue and offers a voice of reason (even if it’s a kind of frustrated and angry voice of reason). In his latest column he goes after the hunger myth. “We have now reached the point where the great majority of the people living below the official poverty level have such things as air conditioning, microwave ovens, either videocassette recorders or DVD players, and either cars or trucks.”

A Day Off? – Should a pastor have a day off? Seems like an obvious question, but not everyone believes it.

Lion Cub – Fun photos of a mother lion rescuing her cub.

You Must Be Born Again – A few days ago I mentioned that in Ray Comfort’s new film 180 the gospel is incomplete. David does a good job of explaining. (Note that this is a minor quibble–it doesn’t mean that the video is bad or that I don’t recommend it).

Hurricane Irene – I found this an interesting, every man’s perspective on the aftermath of Hurricane Irene.

There is nothing destroyed by sanctification but that which would destroy us.

—William Jenkyn

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