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A La Carte (10/5)

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The Most Wholesome Family on TV
BeliefNet has quite a long interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. “Michelle and Jim Bob, who will be renewing their wedding vows on the TLC special “20 Years, 20 Duggars” on October 8th, recently spoke to Beliefnet Entertainment Editor Dena Ross about possible names for their new baby, how they keep their marriage alive, what they say to their critics, and why they won’t allow their faith edited out of the show.”

Christian Rap with Dever
From IX Marks: “Are ‘Christian’ and ‘rap’ mutually exclusive? Hardly. Shai Linne and Voice explain hip hop culture, rap music’s potential for the gospel, and why rap can’t replace preaching.”

Morality, Hollywood Style
Dr. Mohler writes about the Roman Polanski case. “Are art and artists above moral accountability? The Hollywood elite seem to believe so — and even to be willing to lend their names to the defense of the morally indefensible. Is the celebrity above the law? Watch this case closely.”

Carson on Being Homesick for Heaven
Here is an excellent clip of D. A. Carson answering a question on the kingdom of God and bringing it down to some sobering realities.

Deal of the Day: Westminster Confession
Today at Monergism Books you can get 50% off the retail price of the Westminster Confession of Faith (Hardcover). Use coupon wcf2009 at check out. Limit one per customer, valid until Tuesday Oct 6th.

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