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A La Carte (10/4)

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How Are You Doing? – R.C. Sproul Jr. answers this question: How are you doing on the anniversary of your daughter’s passing? “It is never a good thing when the phone rings in the middle of the night. Neither is it a good thing when my phone rings in the middle of class, especially when the call is from home. I took the call. There was, understandably, some uncertainty on the other end of the line. I tore out of the classroom and into my car.”

The Fading Glory of Sex – This is an important article. “Yes, sex can and should be glorious when shared between a married man and woman. But, friend, remember this. It is but a fading glory. Your body’s decay is making sure of that. As Piper reminds us, marriage is only momentary.”

8 Point Interpretation of Genesis 3:15 – Here’s an interesting look at what our first parents could have known from the first preaching of the Gospel. It’s good to step back and, for a moment, to forget that we know how the story progresses.

Two Is Better Than One – I love it when we receive confirmation that God’s ways really are the best. Al Mohler points to an article showing the economic consequences of abandoning marriage. “Put bluntly, the failure to marry dramatically increases the likelihood of poverty and continued economic retreat.” Mohler concludes, “All this is testimony to the power of marriage, and to the fact that marriage is one of the greatest gifts God has given his human creatures.”

Stop Slandering Christ’s Bride – Joe Carter tells us to stop generalizing and saying, “Christians aren’t speaking to this issue” (whatever the issue is). “The surest sign that thousands of Christian in church congregations across the country are talking about an issue is that someone will claim that believers in America are not talking about it.”

It is a reading age, a preaching age, a working age, but it is not a praying age.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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