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A La Carte (10/30)

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Reformation HeroesDeal of the Day: Reformation Heroes
Here’s a new feature for A La Carte–the deal of the day. I’ll be working with a variety of retailers to try to work out some special deals for the readers of this site. Today Reformation Heritage Books is offering the excellent illustrated children’s book Reformation Heroes for a mere $15.17.

Fireproof vs. Religulous
This blog compares the numbers for Fireproof and Religulous. “On their respective opening weekends (one week apart), the barely advertised Fireproof earned $6.8 million while the highly advertised Religulous earned only $3.4 million. As of the date of this post the numbers are $23.6MM vs $10.6MM. And let’s not even get into the profit margin side of things. Fireproof had an ROI of $46 for every dollar spent while Religulous earned $4 for every dollar (probably less, if marketing is considered).”

Pray for Liam
Our friends Kim and Jason have been a model of faith in the days leading up to their young son’s brain surgery. I’d encourage you to read through some of Kim’s blog posts and to pray for Liam next week.

Apple, Google, Gay Marriage
A strange article to find in a mainstream magazine: “Ever since the T-Mobile G1 launch, Apple and Google have gotten into bed together to bring more Google features to the iPhone. The tech titans are also collaborating on pushing for equality of same-sex marriages.”

Pastor Appreciation
Matthias Media would like to offer your pastor a free 6-month subscription to their magazine The Briefing. Click for details!

John Piper on Justification
Here is an interview with John Piper on the subject of justification.

Worldliness for Free
You can get a free copy of C.J. Mahaney’s Worldliness for your pastor.

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