Dude! – I may have a slightly abnormal interest in etymology, so maybe I’m the only one who cares about this. But here’s an article on the origins of the word “dude.”
Is Chastity Even Possible? – “Is the teaching of the Bible on human sexuality even possible to fulfil? Is it simply inhuman to say that the only context for human sexual expression is a lifelong marriage between a man and a woman?” Michael Jensen answers.
The Verbal Backspace Button – We’ve all wished we could hit “backspace” when we’ve uttered a careless word. Hence this article from Lindsey.
Amish Farm – It is rare that a photographer is allowed to take pictures of the Amish. This one was allowed and has quite an interesting photo gallery as a result.
Strange Fire – All of the audio for the Strange Fire conference is now available if you want to catch up.
Airline Seats – I knew this was happening, but it’s good to see the proof! “Airlines’ push to lure high-paying fliers with flatbed business seats and premium economy loungers is leaving economy-class passengers with less space.”