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A La Carte (10/28)

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Guidance – Paul Tautges has been posting a series of articles on the subject of guidance. He goes into subjective and non-subjective means of guidance. If you went through my recent series, you’ll know that my emphasis is a bit different, but I think the series are largely complementary.

Church and Technology – “Tyndale University College & Seminary conducted a survey in the summer of 2011 to see how Ontario churches are interacting with technology, and how they see it changing the church. Three hundred and sixty-eight churches replied to the survey ranging from rural to urban, from 20 member congregations to 5,000+, and from multiple denominations and ethnicities.” There are some interesting findings there.

$5 Friday – Ligonier has a few Reformation-themed deals for their $5 Friday.

Bathing in Toilet Water – I think we’re supposed to laugh along with my youngest sister in her bizarre misadventures. Yesterday’s involved a very pregnant woman and a very broken toilet.

Young, Hip and Mormon – The Times writes about a new wave of Mormons who are a little bit different from the guys who come knocking on our doors.

A Mighty Fortress – Just in time for Reformation Day, Redemption Hill music is offering a free download of a new version of “A Mighty Fortress.”

Halloween on Mission – David Mathis has a great blog post about Halloween on Mission. “What if spreading a passion for God’s supremacy in all things included Halloween—that amalgamation of wickedness now the second-largest commercial holiday in the West?”

A drop of praise is an unsuitable acknowledgment for an ocean of mercy.

—William Secker

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