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A La Carte (10/27)

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Free Spurgeon
This month’s free download for ChristianAudio is All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon. It is yours for the taking.

Visualizing Uncle Sam’s Debt tries to make sense of it. “Below are the top seven foreign lenders, visualized as credit cards, while the image at the top shows the total of foreign lending. All numbers have been brought down to the U.S. median household scale. Just imagine your household with these balances and you will have a better perspective on just how large these debts really are.”

Schuller vs. Schuller
“Crystal Cathedral founder Reverend Robert H. Schuller has removed his son as preacher on the church’s weekly “Hour of Power” syndicated TV broadcast. Schuller said in a statement read to some 450 congregants Saturday by church president Jim Coleman that he and his son, Robert A. Schuller, ‘have different ideas as to the direction and the vision for this ministry.’”

Bar Stool Economics
Some lessons on economics courtesy of Douglas Wilson.

Three Ways to Spoil the Gospel
Andy Naselli quotes Graham Cole who shares three ways that we can spoil the gospel.

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