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A La Carte (10/26)

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Teen-Friendly Dawkins
Atheist Richard Dawkins “is penning a new book which will target his most impressionable audience: teens. The controversial atheist, scientist and avid Darwin supporter, is planning to write, What is a Rainbow, Really?, an illustrated book which will take a myth-busting approach to questions about the natural world.” Dawkins ought to read Mark 9:42 before sending the book to his publisher.

The Next Fireproof
“The makers of the surprise hit Fireproof (Provident Films/Provident-Integrity Distribution) plan to reveal their follow-up to the top independent movie release of 2008 next month.” I find these words a bit troubling: “Their prayer hasn’t been for a good movie; it’s been for a God movie…”

Abortion and Genocide
This is both startling and sickening: “Abortion kills more black Americans than the seven leading causes of death combined, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2005, the latest year for which the abortion numbers are available.”

Deals of the Day
Here are a few deals that made their way into my inbox overnight. While We Sojourn is giving away t-shirts in honor of Reformation Day. 22 Words is giving away ESV Study Bibles an giving you 22 ways to win. And Monergism Books is offering free shipping on orders over $30 sent to US addresses. Use coupon code reformationday.

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