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A La Carte (10/25)

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Lives Destroyed – “The past two years have been devastating. I have watched the lives of four Christian friends destroyed for want of care. These are men, I have loved and respected. All of them had families, loving wives, and children. Three of them were pastors and another was a nationally recognized professional at the top of his field. And all of them were consumed by their lusts.”

A Slow Learner – Julian is a slower learner and share some of the reasons he knows that.

$5 Friday – Ligonier Ministries has some good items on sale today in their $5 Friday: Sproul’s commentary on Acts along with books by Steve Lawson and Michael Haykin.

Jennifer – This man photographed his wife as she battled cancer. “Angelo decided to photograph it. He wanted to humanize the face of cancer on the face of his wife. The photos speak for themselves.” Indeed. It’s a tragic photo essay that speaks to a sin-stained world.

7 Perspectives on Prayer – Randy Alcorn provides seven short and sweet perspectives on prayer.

The Command to Kill – R.C. Sproul Jr. takes on this question: “Why did God command the children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in the Promised Land?” Here is sound counsel: “Among the countless nuggets of wisdom I have received over the years from my father is this bit of gold- when you are reading your Bible and you come across something that makes you uncomfortable, resist the temptation to simply move on to something else. Where the Bible makes us uncomfortable is precisely where we need to slow down.”

The Elephant Man – You’ve probably heard of Joseph Merrick, aka “The Elephant Man.” Here an actor reads an Isaac Watts poem that was a favorite of Merrick’s while you see what the man looked like. Doctors still have not conclusively determined the nature of his condition. (See here to learn how they found what his voice would have sounded like.)

AW Pink

God is working out his eternal purpose, not only in spite of human and satanic opposition, but by means of them.

—A.W. Pink

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