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A La Carte (10/25)

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The Things He Wanted to Do – John Piper writes about Steve Jobs. “The wisdom Steve Jobs learned, he said, was this: Do a couple things, and do them well. You don’t have time for much. And most of things are not lasting. So do two or three things, and do them amazingly. Not a bad lesson. In fact, really good—as far as it goes.”

Judgment Houses – Russell Moore offers 7 reasons that judgment houses or hell houses completely miss the mark. I still find it hard to believe that such things exist (I’ve certainly never heard of one up here in Canada!).

Declining Church Health – Thom Rainer has 5 signs of declining church health.

The Original iPod – It is now 10 years since Apple completely revolutionized the music industry with the introduction of the iPod. Ars Technica re-reviews it, a full decade later.

The Future of Punctuation – The rules of punctuation, like most of the rules of language, seem to come and go. Currently, many of the rules are going. “How might punctuation now evolve? The dystopian view is that it will vanish. I find this conceivable, though not likely. But we can see harbingers of such change: editorial austerity with commas, the newsroom preference for the period over all other marks, and the taste for visual crispness.”

Sin always leads us much farther than we intended to go.

—James Philip

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