Where Did All These Calvinists Come From? – Last week, Mark Dever dusted off a 2007 series he wrote on the New Calvinism and delivered it, with a few changes, as an hour-long lecture at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Matt Smethurst provides a quick overview.
4 Reasons the Gospels Could Not Be Legends – “The most popular theory today against the Bible is that the gospels are a bunch of myths and legends. As the theory goes, Jesus was a great guy with some commendable teachings, but the stories we have about him in the four gospels are made-up legends intended to beef up Christianity’s claims.” Here are 4 reasons that just can’t be the case.
Secret Sexual Sin – The Lies Young Women Believe blog asked Aileen and me to write a couple of articles on masturbation—a growing concern as they provide counsel to young women.
Greater Work – R.C. Sproul gives an answer to this question: What did Jesus mean when he said we would do greater work than He did?
How to Write Less Badly – Michael Munger has ten tips on how to write less badly.
Jesus Calling – Christianity Today has a long and interesting article about the Jesus Calling phenomenon and its mysterious author, Sarah Young.
Strange Fire: What Now? – The GTY staff has a blog post about the aftermath of the Strange Fire conference. They include some words for the people who felt hurt by the conference and some encouragement as well.