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A La Carte (10/21)

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Hating Tebow – Denny Burk writes about why so many people hate Tim Tebow, the young, Christian quarterback for the Denver Broncos. “There are a lot of people out there pulling against Tebow, and I am not talking about football or the big game on Sunday. What I am talking about are the cynics out there who want Tebow not only to fail at football but also to fail at being a Christian.”

In the Danger Zone – Dr. Mohler looks at children in a digital age. Here’s a shocking statistic: by age 3 almost a third of children have a television in their bedroom.

Congregations Submitting – This is a good and important article, especially in light of a bit of controversy about congregationalism. “Do you see the dilemma? If the Bible located church authority exclusively in the elders, the idea of submission would be simple: the elders would make the decisions, and the congregation would submit to those decisions. But what does it mean for a congregation to submit to its elders when the congregation itself holds final authority?”

Mother Refuses Chemo – “Stacie Crimm didn’t get to share much time with her infant daughter, Dottie Mae — she’d made the ultimate sacrifice to give the little girl life.” Greater love has no mom than this…

TSA on the Highway – Wow, does this ever make me uncomfortable. “You’re probably used to seeing TSA’s signature blue uniforms at the airport, but now agents are hitting the interstates to fight terrorism with Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR).”

Invisible Drum Kit – I came across this classic Rowan Atkinson skit yesterday and enjoyed it again. It’s just amazing physical comedy.

Wisdom teaches us to wink at many of the injuries that are done to us, and act as if we did not see them.

—Matthew Henry

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