Moldova Report
T-Wax reports in after leading a small mission team to the Republic of Moldova for eleven days.
NBC Crew Stranded in Arctic
I just love this story. A NBC film crew went to the Arctic to report on the lack of ice but have been stranded on an icebreaker for three weeks. Why? Because of all the ice…
God and ‘My Rights’
Ben Witherington quotes a good column on “rights.” Instead of “rights,” the Bible speaks of “gifts.” There is no “right to life.” Life is a gift, and this may be the compelling reason we do not have any right to destroy life. I do not have “rights” over my own body; God has those “rights.” My body is a gift of God, an instrument to be used in service to God, a temple of God’s Spirit, not a private domain for me to use as I wish…
Faith, Feelings And Corrie Ten Boom
From Mark Altrogge, who reflects on a story told by Corrie Ten Boom. “Faith leads to obedience; obedience eventually produces feelings. In faith we obey God, even when we don’t feel like it, trusting that feelings will follow. Faith is the engine of the train and feelings are the caboose.”