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A La Carte (10/17)

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Deep Truths of the Bible for Children
The Ligonier blog looks at several books for children written by R.C. Sproul and Susan Hunt.

Socialists Everywhere
This article looks at Obama’s proposed tax cuts. “Presently, the bottom 40% of income earners pay zero income taxes. The top 20% pay 80% of all the federal income taxes. Therefore, it is not possible to give the bottom 40% a tax cut because they pay no money to the government. So this begs the question: How is Barack Obama proposing to give a tax cut to 95% of Americans?”

A Review of The Shack
Gerald Hiestand, writing for Straight Up, does an excellent job of reviewing William Young’s bestseller.

Jesus Didn’t Die for a Campus Ministry
Russell Moore writes about the attraction of campus ministries and the centrality of the church to the Christian life.

Kenyan AIDS Orphans
This short video shows some of the trials faced by Kenyan boys orphaned by AIDS (Warning: It has a little bit of graphic content).

The Eyeballing Game
A fun distraction if you’ve got five minutes to kill.

Preacher Robbed While Preaching on Mercy
“Authorities are looking for two people who allegedly stole a preacher’s wallet and went on a shopping spree while he was giving a sermon about showing mercy to others.”

Joseph Is a Single-Issue Evangelical
Though I haven’t listened to it yet, this message by Russell Moore comes highly recommended. Says Denny Burk, “In Southern Seminary’s chapel today, Russell Moore delivered one of the most prophetic pro-life messages I have ever heard.”

Days of Autumn
Here’s a beautiful collection of Autumn-themed photographs from around the world.

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