Monday October 16, 2006
Blogging: An article published by the Restored Church of God says that blogging is sinful. “Let me emphasize that NO ONE–including adults–should have a blog or personal website (unless it is for legitimate business purposes).”
Politics: This is an interesting article, getting quite candid with Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Interview: Here is another interview with yours truly. I was also the guest on a radio show a few days ago and will post the audio when and if it is made available.
Men: Now this is important. FoxNews has an article about manly footwear and, in particular, flip flops. Are they appropriate footwear for men? “I’m always baffled at what makes men think women will be attracted to them in a two-for-$10 pair of Wal-Mart flip-flops,” he said. “No one wants to look at a man’s dirty, hairy, nasty toes.”