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A La Carte (10/16)

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A Different Homecoming Queen
“Kristin Pass, an 18-year-old senior with Down syndrome, became Aledo High School’s homecoming queen Friday to a joyous standing ovation and the flutter of a thousand tissues on a remarkable night for an amazing young woman.” (HT:Z)

Helping Students Evalute Media
“The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding has put together some excellent tool for parents, youth workers and teachers. The end goal is to get students thinking for themselves about media choices.”

Owen Stachan comments on a piece from the New Yorker. The short article covers a new book by David Crystal, Txting: The Gr8 Db8.”

Favorite Worship Albums of ’08
CT has a roundup of what they consider to be the best worship albums of the year.

One of Those Loans
This would be funnier if it weren’t so true.

Save 10% at Monergism Books
Click here to find out how.
Johnathon Bowers introduces BibleArc, “a user-friendly platform for engaging the text of Scripture through a process called ‘arcing,’ which is simply the method of splitting a passage up into individual units of thought (called propositions) and demonstrating how those units of thought relate to one another.”

The Freedom of the Christian Market
Carl Trueman on the economic crisis and the socialization of America.

WorshipGod ’09
Sovereign Grace has decided to hold a WorshipGod conference a year early. So there will now be a ’09 conference.

No Tote Bags
I’m not quite sure who this is making fun of. But I think it’s mocking both Canadians and Americans who continue to threaten to move there whenever a Republican gets elected.

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