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A La Carte (10/14)

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I’m on my way to Fort Worth for the True Woman conference (I know, I know; it’s a conference for women…). Stay tuned over the next couple of days as I try to find some interesting stories to tell from my time there.

Camera Reunions – Here’s a great idea–a web site that tries to reunite lost cameras with their owners. Because you know how much it hurts when you’re on vacation and lose all those great shots you’ve taken.

2 Chilean Miners Get Saved – This was a great headline to read: “2 Chilean miners accept Christ while trapped underground.” So there is something to pray for now that the men have all been rescued.

Praying on TV – I enjoyed this blogger’s thoughts on how strange it is to listen to a mediated pastor (and especially when he is praying). “Prayer of thankfulness. A Harley passes me. Silence. I slow down for a semi. Confession. I speed up. Silence. Blinker. Requests for the gathered believers. Check blind spot. Silence. Mirrors. Requests for outsiders. Lane change. Silence. Cop. Requests for self. Slow down. Check rearview mirror till the cop’s out of sight. Pause. Speed up. Pastor prays.”

Big Raise Ahead – I haven’t posted a Blue Jay-related piece of news for a bit (largely because the Jays aren’t generating much news this October, or any other October this side of 1993, for that). But here’s a good look on how Jose Bautista’s off-season could shape up. “A glance at the all-time single season home run leaders tells you all you need to know about Jose Bautista’s 2010 campaign. Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Roger Maris, Babe Ruth, Jimmie Foxx, Hank Greenberg, Ryan Howard, Luis Gonzalez, Alex Rodriguez, Ken Griffey Jr. and Hack Wilson are the only players who have ever hit more home runs in a season.”

Ordination of Elders – Here’s a great new product you can pre-order from Reformation Art. “This masterpiece by John Henry Lorimer is titled The Ordination of Elders in a Scottish Kirk. This painting commemorates the solemn occasion where Spirit gifted men are set apart for service in the church of Jesus Christ. This product is in pre-production and will begin shipping by the end of November. Select multiple copies before adding to cart to receive a volume discount.”

God Story – This is another great adoption video I got from Together for Adoption’s site.

One of the marks of a mature person is the ability to dissent without creation dissension.

—Don Robinson

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