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A La Carte (10/10)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Too Polite – This article from Gawker raises some important points about the life and legacy of Steve Jobs–things that other people are too polite to say. “Truth be told, Jobs could be terrible to people, and his impact on the world was not uniformly positive.”

Mormonism Isn’t a Cult? – Richard Mouw, writing for CNN, tries to explain how Mormonism is not a cult and that it may be a lot closer to evangelicalism than most people think. “My Mormon friends and I disagree on enough subjects that I am not prepared to say that their theology falls within the scope of historic Christian teaching. But the important thing is that we continue to talk about these things, and with increasing candor and mutual openness to correction.” I hardly know what to say!

What’s So Great About Siri? – “Apple announced speech recognition for the next iPhone. Big deal. Android’s had it for more than a year. Apple is just playing ‘catch-up’ and the feature’s not really earth-shattering anyway. Right? Wrong. Everything in that opening paragraph is wrong, except the sentence that reads ‘big deal.’ Siri is a very big deal, the biggest of deals.”

Rightly Divided – When I was in Los Angeles I sat down with Lane Chaplin to do a video interview about a variety of issues.

7 Types of Creative Block – There is some useful advice here about overcoming writer’s block.

Landscapes – More amazing timelapse goodness. It’s full HD so you can full screen it and enjoy it.

Reproofs should be as oils or ointments, gently rubbed in by the warm fire of love.

—George Swinnock

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