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A La Carte (09/22)

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Friday September 22, 2006

History: Dr. Haykin was kind enough to answer a question I posed to him about the best one-volume church history text.

Books: Looks like Yancey’s new book is going to be a popular one. I posted the review only a couple of days ago and already it has 26 votes (only 12 of which are “yes” votes!).

Blogs: I don’t know how I missed this one, but the New Attitude site relaunched a few days ago with a snazzy new design. Their 2007 conference is on the topic of discernment. You can bet that I intend to be there (not that I endorse betting).

Books Bonus: Anthony Carter mentions a new book by Steve Lawson entitled “The Foundations of Grace: A Long Line of Godly Men.” This is the first in a series of five books. It looks like it will be an excellent series! The books are available only through Ligonier Ministries.

Evangelism: Paul Kaiser posts on The Reformed Evangelist about a recent Great News Network Evangelism Boot Camp. It looks like an incredible and challenging experience!

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