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A La Carte (09/21)

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Thursday September 21, 2006

Books: Monergism Books is having a moving sale. They have lots of great books, Bibles and DVDs available at low prices.

Du Jour: A reader sent me a link to the site of a young Christian woman who could use our prayers. “Bonnie has a mitochondrial cytopathy (a multi organ failure disease), which was diagnosed in Boston in January 2006 and has caused either failure or damage to many of her organs.”

Law: John Mark Carr, the man who claimed responsibility for the death of JonBenet Ramsey, has (as predicted) been offered a deal that would see him walk free without facing any serious charges, even for the child pornography charges against him. That whole confession was merely a ruse to help him avoid paying for his other crimes.

Personal: Fall must be upon us. When I went out for my walk this morning, the thermometer was reading a mere 7 degrees (Celsius). When I got back it was down to 6 degrees. It’s all downhill from here!

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