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A La Carte (08/03)

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Thursday August 3, 2006

Church: Lisa links to an article about “Days of the Dead” at Cornerstone “Christian” Youth Camp. While the article is perhaps a little dramatic, it contains some rather startling information.

Humor: Nathan Busenitz, Personal Assistant to John MacArthur, began my Wednesday with a “LOL” moment by sending me this link to a cover of “Preaching Illustrated” covering the big Piper-MacArthur trade.

Theology: Mark at “A Spot of Blogger” is writing a series on the subject of universalism.

Mormons: John DiVito has an interesting link to an article discussing Mormon missions (and those white-shirted guys who knock on your door every year or two). “While many missionaries have friends who are enjoying college life, young elders and sisters are asked to knock on strangers’ doors teaching church doctrine or volunteer in the community 62 to 64 hours a week.”

Abortion: This rates as one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a long time. “Ms. Magazine” is asking American women to sign a petition proudly proclaiming they have had an abortion. They are also looking for money for their “Reproductive Freedom Fund.” Since when is abortion reproduction?

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