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A La Carte (08/02)

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Wednesday August 2, 2006

Prayer: Tim Irvin is having some strange health problems. Read up and commit to praying for the guy!

Du Jour: John Duncan takes on MTV, reflecting on the 25th anniversary of the network. “MTV doesn’t play videos or concerts anymore. MTV doesn’t really talk about music. It talks about the cheap and passing frivolity that music can create. MTV has exploited music more as a recreational drug than an art form.”

Weird: Have you heard of SpazzStick, the world’s only caffeinated lip balm? “It was developed by an Alaskan Police Officer, who needs both quality lip balm for the cold and the ability to stay awake during long shifts.”

Gospel: Jim Elliff addresses the gospel and whether or not it should be presented in a humorous way. “The combination of the Gospel (which is dead serious) and staged humor make strange bedfellows…”

Education: Ian at “Ruminations By The Lake” has linked to an interesting video highlighting Logos school in Moscow, ID. The school teaches the classical educational model of the Trivium.

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