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A La Carte (07/21)

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Friday July 21, 2006

Film: I don’t get out to the movies very often, but may make an exception for “World Trade Center.” Cal Thomas has declared it a world class movie, saying “Whatever one thinks of Oliver Stone, the man knows how to make movies. This is one of his best. It deserves an Oscar in so many categories.”

Missions: Ligon Duncan has an interesting post in which he relays information about professions of faith in the missions field. There seems to be great confusion, in many parts of the world, about just how one becomes a believer.

Church: David Wayne (aka Jollyblogger) has realizes it’s time to stop being nice about Rick Warren. “Warren is actually very consistent with his own ministry philosophy – he savvily tailored one message to the calvinists at Modern Reformation and savvily tailored a different message to the folks back home at his church. And in this case he has used his savvy to tailor a Jesus-free message to the Jews.”

Design: I just finished up another blog design. You can see it over at I am pretty pleased with the result. And, thankfully, so is Greg, proprieter of that particular blog.

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