Thursday June 29, 2006
Commentary: Al Mohler has some good commentary dealing with Anne Lamott. “She has become something of a literary icon among mainline Protestants and leftward evangelicals. Now, however, she appears to be launching out into previously uncharted territory.”
Review: Alex Chediak (what a nice web site he’s got!) has a review of Alex Strauch’s new book “Leading with Love.”
Family: My son “graduated” from kindergarten yesterday. Seems it was just yesterday that we walked him over to his school for the first time, and already he has graduated up to the first grade. Sometimes I wish we could slow life down a little bit.
Church: Here’s one I meant to post a few days ago. Mark Driscoll said his bit about the Episcopalians and their election of both gay and female bishops. Commenting on Gene Robinson, and in true Driscoll fashion he says, “He was the obvious choice because he is just like Jesus with the minor exceptions of his beliefs and life.”