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A La Carte (06/21)

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Wednesday June 21, 2006

Technology: A 14-year old girl is suing for $30 million after a man she met online through that service sexually assaulted her. Fox says that she claims “it does not take sufficient steps to protect underage members.” How about suing her parents for not providing adequate supervision?

Bible: The ESV, clearly seeking to provide a Bible for every possible contingency, has released the Journalling Bible which features wide, ruled margins that have almost 2 inches of available space to write.

Blog: Al Mohler has opened the doors to yet another blog (because I guess he doesn’t have enough to do already!). This one is called ConventionalThinking and is devoted to discussing the Southern Baptist Convention.

Politics: FoxNews has a series on Saddam Hussein, and new evidence that may point to justifying Bush in his decision to invade Iraq. You can read the series here.

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