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A La Carte (04/19)

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Wednesday April 19, 2006

Theology: David Field manages to encapsulate the 5 points of Calvinism in the form of a limerick. For other Bible-based limericks, check out the Bible Bus.

Conference: Timmy, who has organized the Band of Bloggers meeting prior to the Together for the Gospel conference, has added a post to his site telling you how you can submit questions to the panel.

Utility: If you are one of those people who lost marks on college-level essays due to improperly citing your sources, you might appreciate EasyBib, a utility which takes all of the guesswork out of creating bibliographies.

Humor: A Colorado man has been fined for operating a device that interferes with traffic signals, causing them to turn green as he approached intersections. The device, which he bought on eBay, is similar to what is used on emergency vehicles. The man received a $50 ticket.

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