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A La Carte (03/29)

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Wednesday March 29, 2006

Video: Some enterprising soul put a video camera near a bald eagle’s nest on Hornby Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia. You can watch it here. The video is very good quality, though there isn’t a whole lot going on!

Book: It seems that Girl Talk, written by Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Mahaney Whitacre, is available in full online. It is a book that is well worth reading for mothers and daughters.

Culture: Al Mohler refers to an article in New York Magazine that asks “Why do so many adults want to look like kids?” Mohler says, “The issue of dress isn’t what’s most important — it’s the fact that adulthood is disappearing as a recognizable mark of maturity and responsibility.” Forty is the new twenty, as they say.

Emergent: For those who followed the whole ugly saga, Mark Driscoll has issued a public apology to Doug Pagitt and Brian McLaren.

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