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A La Carte (03/13)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Monday March 13, 2006

Auction: This is your last chance to get in on the action and buy your very own autographed PyroManiac bumper sticker. It is a one-of-a-kind item as Phil has declared he will not autograph any more of them. You can check the eBay listing here.

Blogging: Mike Russell, who formerly blogged at Eternal Perspectives, has created a new and unique site, Lord of the Kingdom. He will be examining images of biblical character and themes in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Theology: Carolyn McCulley posts and discusses some wise and interesting counsel from David Powlison. “Experience and emotion typically register, for good or ill, what is going on in our relationships with God and neighbor… [Feelings] are the raw materials out of which godliness can be produced.”

Biography: Dr. Michael Haykin posts a short biography of an eminent Christian of days gone by, Andrew Fuller. “Andrew Fuller (1754-1815), an indefatigable and fearless Baptist theologian and minister, was an outstanding figure with qualities that make him one of the most attractive figures in Christian history.”

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