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A La Carte (02/23)

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Thursday February 24, 2006

Canadiana: ESPN is reporting on Lydia Angyiou, a Canadian woman who wrestled a 700 pound polar bear and lived to tell about it. Having seen a polar bear sizing up her 7-year-old son, she “raced around to get between the bear and her son. Then she started kicking and punching the animal…”

Blogspotting: Paul, who is celebrating his one year anniversary as a blogger, says that I was the scariest person he met this year. “I mean, you have to figure that anybody who blogs as much as this guy must weigh in at 600 lbs and have an office like this! Suffice it to say that he was not half as odd as one might expect.”

Audio: Pastor Shaun is announcing a new podcast, Ordinary Means. “No, not a Podcast. The Podcast. (Seeing as we’re not doing any other podcasts at the moment.)”

Du Jour: Carolyn challenges us to think about “Serving Instead of Vacationing” next time we take the opportunity to escape from the office for a little while.

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