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A La Carte (02/15)

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Wednesday February 15, 2006

Weird: NFL star and badboy Terrell Owens will be starring in a fitness-based reality show later this year. No word on whether or not said show takes place on his driveway.

Du Jour: Nathan Busenitz asks why John MacArthur would be so hard-hitting in his excellent discussion of the Emerging Church. MacArthur’s speech is well worth the hour it takes to listen to it.

Prayer: In what is surely an answer to many prayers, John Piper’s surgery went “beautifully” according to his wife. The Desiring God update says, “So praise God with us and continue to pray with us for John’s recovery. We will keep you updated.”

Humor: Here is four minutes of your life you won’t be able to get back, but at least you’ll have laughed some. This is the animated short “Gopher Broke.”

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