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A La Carte (02/07)

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Tuesday February 7, 2006

Canadiana: Canada’s 22nd Prime Minster, Stephen Harper, was sworn in yesterday morning. This begins what many Canadians hope is a mandate that will slow or reverse much of the liberalism and corruption begun by the Liberal Party. CBC reports.

Du Jour: Nathan Busenitz has compiled an interesting list of quotes on preaching by great preachers. It begins with Paul and ends with Boice.

Humor: Ochuk comments on the Reformed outrage over cartoon depictions of John Calvin in cartoon format. “Protests are spreading across the Reformed world over the publication of cartoons by Bill Waterston depicting the great 16th century reformer as an impulsive, imaginative, energetic, curious, intelligent, and often selfish six-year-old boy.”

Technology: I downloaded and installed the Internet Explorer 7 Beta on the weekend. This program may just raise the bar over even Firefox. Read more at Microsoft’s site.

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