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Explore November 2024

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (November 30)

    A La Carte: Britain votes for death / Is Christianity on the cusp of resurgence? / One year after goodbye / Christmas isn’t in the Bible / Why we gather / Black Friday (Weekend) deals / and more.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (21Five)

    This week the blog is sponsored by 21Five, a Canadian Christian bookstore. In an era of information overload, it can be hard to cut through the noise and find quality Christian titles. This is where 21Five steps in, Canada’s gospel-centred Christian bookstore! 21Five curates the best God-glorifying books and products, with a physical location in…

  • Cyber Monday

    Cyber Monday Deals for Christians

    Black Friday is upon us and with it the opportunity to save a bit of money as we shop for the holidays or build out our libraries. I have listed hundreds of deals below and will be adding to it throughout the course of the weekend.

  • A La Carte Friday 2

    A La Carte (November 29)

    A La Carte: Futureproof forgiveness / How to make the best imperfect decision / The unimpressive ambassadors of heaven / Low-tide evangelism / Emotions hidden beneath anger / Black Friday deals.

  • A La Carte Thursday 1

    A La Carte (November 28)

    A La Carte: Jordan Peterson wrestles with God / 3 powerful effects of thankfulness / The unknown pastor / God is good regardless / Anyone can be a prayer warrior / and more.

  • New and Notable Christian Books for November 2024

    Before the month comes to an end and before my American friends disappear for their Thanksgiving holiday, I want to make sure you’re all aware of some new and notable books that came our way in November. We were treated to some excellent new titles this month so be sure to give them a look!

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 27)

    A La Carte: Trans isn’t really about trans / God doesn’t need you / A liturgy for rest / Can I desire marriage and be content with singleness? / The benefits of Bible journalling / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 26)

    A La Carte: The land of many meetings / You must be baptized to receive the Lord’s Supper / Raising grateful kids / The coddling of the American funeral / Faithful friends / All kinds of deals and sales / and more.

  • Why I Believe in Church Membership

    Why I Believe in Church Membership

    I believe in church membership. I believe in membership as a practical matter that allows a church to function well. But even more so, I believe in membership as a biblical matter that allows a church to faithfully follow the Scriptures. I suppose we ought to define our term. While acknowledging that membership can vary…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 25)

    A La Carte: Confessionalism or fundamentalism? / Sexual ethics and the doctrine of God / Does James contradict Paul? / Ways to be kind to someone you disagree with / The increasing value of Christian testimonies / So many Kindle deals / and more.

  • Pastoral Prayer

    A Pastoral Prayer

    Our Father in heaven, we love you. We have freely proclaimed that here this morning. Yet we also acknowledge that we only love you because you first loved us. On our own, there was nothing in us that was inclined toward you. Our hearts were all turned inward toward ourselves—our own honor, our own glory,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (November 23)

    A La Carte: Gifting is not godliness / The post-Christian morality of “Wicked” / Adult children and their parents / Wanting what I already have / Ashamed of the gospel / The book and Kindle deals continue.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (Zondervan Reflective)

    This week the giveaway is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. Will technology change what it means to be human? You don’t have to be a computer scientist to have discerning conversations about artificial intelligence and technology. We all wonder where we’re headed. Even now, technological innovations and machine learning have a daily impact on our lives,…

  • Other side of the Wall

    On the Other Side of the Wall

    A story is told of a convalescent woman and the lovely vine that grew in her yard. Confined to her property during her long recovery from an accident, she turned her attention to the little plot of ground behind her home. She planted the vine on a cool spring morning, dreaming of the day when,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 22)

    A La Carte: John Mark Comer / Praying imprecatory Psalms / The news media is broken / John Piper on seeing God / No good deed will remain hidden / Pre-Black Friday sales / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 21)

    A La Carte: Lessons from Trump’s and Harris’s social media campaigns / What is my spiritual gift? / The messages we receive / 10 mistakes I’ve made in preaching / Big Kindle and book sales / and more.

  • Finn

    I’m a Grandfather!

    Yesterday Abby and Nathan welcomed their first child into the world: Finnegan Safir Nicholas Elfarrah. Because they live just minutes away, Aileen and I were able to be there shortly after his birth to rejoice with them and to meet our first grandchild. We are thrilled beyond measure. And he is cute beyond belief. They…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 20)

    A La Carte: Pray till you pray / Do children need to consent to puberty? / Pleading for Sodom / A thought experiment / 10 mistakes when reading the Bible / Kindle deals / and more.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (November 19)

    A La Carte: Good night, my son / The longing for justice following sexual assault / Daughter of encouragement / Mistakes I made as a theological student / The dangers of disordered love / Kindle deals / and more.