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Explore August 2024

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (August 21)

    A La Carte: Kevin DeYoung on ‘judge not’ / Seven principles for civil engagement / Parents, restrain your children / Jesus knew the sins you would commit / Why did they ghost me? / How do I teach my family? / and more.

  • Answering 2 Objections to Sola Scriptura

    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. This post is written by Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) who is president of Truth Unites and theologian-in-residence at Immanuel Nashville in Tennessee. He’s a highly sought-after speaker and apologist, and his new book What It Means to Be Protestant: The Case for an Always-Reforming…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (August 20)

    A La Carte: Grumbling / Life’s little day / Your holy deeds are not filthy rags / AI and the demon heuristic / As a single man I felt little pressure to get married / Some excellent Kindle deals / and more.

  • Grief Can Be So Lonely

    Grief Can Be So Lonely

    I am often asked what churches and individual Christians can do to care for and comfort those who are enduring times of grief. It is a question I am always glad to receive and one I am always glad to attempt to answer. And there is a lot individuals and communities can do to bring…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (August 19)

    A La Carte: Pastor, be what you want to see / When mom and dad quietly cast out a demon / Mom and dad, show your need / A sin that is sadly indigenous to the church / The dangers of idolizing a wife / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Whatever Consequences Emerge

    Christianity is a religion of faith—we must put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, “for by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). In faith we rest in Christ, trusting that his work and not our own has brought…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (August 17)

    A La Carte: How to rebel against expressive individualism / As for Me and My House (a new song) / On embryo adoption / Live among the flock / On images (or against images) / Spiritual inventory for pastoral visits / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Free Stuff Fridays (TGBC)

    This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by The Good Book Company. They are giving away a bundle of books for ministry leaders. The Bundle Includes…. Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. When you enter, you permit The Good Book Company to send you marketing emails which you may unsubscribe from at any time.…

  • What Do I Say When

    What Do I Say When…?

    I’m sure every generation of parents has had to have some tricky and awkward conversations with their children. Just read your Old and New Testaments and you’ll see the kind of sexual chaos that has often been tolerated or celebrated in various times and places. Each one of these manifestations of rebellion against God has…

  • A La Carte Friday 2

    A La Carte (August 16)

    A La Carte: Believer, you can’t but Christ can / From orphanage to the classroom / The importance of not caring about Mark Driscoll / When spiritual disciplines took over my life / 3 questions I ask during every Bible study / and more.

  • A La Carte Thursday 1

    A La Carte (August 15)

    A La Carte: How one family navigated smartphones and social media in the teen years / When spiritual disciplines took over my life / Why progressivism destroys everything / Maybe you don’t need a therapist / Kindle deals / and more.

  • Unexpected, Unwanted, and Unwelcome

    Local news recently reported on a man who had made a long and difficult journey to Canada. He had been invited and persuaded by some of his fellow countrymen, people who had already made the same journey themselves. They told him it would be worth the difficulty of escaping a controlling regime, the troubles of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (August 14)

    A La Carte: The Olympic vision / can a man feel like he’s a woman? / When criticized clarify, don’t defend / The multi-service model / Three kinds of doubt / A new book / and more.

  • Pilgrim Prayers

    Pre-Order Announcement: My Next Book

    I am thrilled to be able to introduce you to my next book! It is titled Pilgrim Prayers: Devotional Poems That Awaken Your Heart to the Goodness, Greatness, and Glory of God. It will be available on September 10 from wherever good books are sold.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (August 13)

    A La Carte: How (and how not) to talk with your kids about sexuality / The meaning of “weird” / How churches can support Christian teachers in public schools / John Piper on speaking directly to the devil / Ordinary heroes / and more.

  • Unqualified and Unwilling

    Unqualified and Unwilling

    No man should become an elder who is not willing to be an elder, and no man should become an elder who is not qualified to be an elder. A man must be willing to take up the task and he must be qualified to do so. A church has no business cajoling a man…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (August 12)

    A La Carte: The Lord’s mercies in the midst of grief / Why many pastors don’t survive their first five years / Richard Dawkins is sad / Biblical lists of sins in reverse / Embrace the world’s miraculous absurdity / An inspiring story / Kindle and commentary sale / and more.

  • The Bibleiest Christians

    Sometimes in life we puzzle over God’s will for us. Sometimes we have to make momentous decisions that may alter the course of our lives and the course of other people’s. In those moments we may scour the Bible looking for something, anything, to direct our way; something, anything, to give us confidence that we…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (August 10)

    A La Carte: His faithfulness outweighs our faithlessness / The faith of closing the casket / How do you value your worth? / Considering self-assessment / A key biblical manuscript / and more.

  • Missionary

    Free Stuff Fridays: Missionary Conference

    The church isn’t finished. . . Millions of men, women, and children remain unreached by the Great Commission Christ charged His Church with. This October 16–18 The Missionary Conference will gather in Jacksonville, Florida to hear how God continues to build His Church on the mission field, and the present need for Christians to “Go therefore, and make disciples.”…